Monday, May 21, 2007

Letter to supporters of ACET

With programmes in 22 countries, ACET is part of the global response to the AIDS pandemic, which is hitting the poorest nations so hard, especially in Africa.

I am often inspired by our volunteers and dedicated staff who give so generously of their time and resources to go into their communities with a life saving prevention message or to care for those who are sick.

All over the world ACET teams are educating and training people how to reduce the spread of HIV. For example in Slovakia we have reached over 165,000 pupils. And in Uganda we can reach a class of 60 young people with a life saving message for as little as £20.

For thousands who are already sick, teams of volunteers are providing home based care and we also support hundreds of children through school to ensure they can have a safer, brighter future.

This newsletter is full of stories of how ACET volunteers have responded to the challenge of HIV, working in partnership with churches, communities and faith-based organisations. They have made a huge difference from Russian Siberia to South Africa’s Eastern Cape.

Thank you for your support which has made all this possible. Please continue to support us if you can. Every year a new generation of young people becomes sexually mature and we must make sure they all have the opportunity to hear an HIV prevention message before it is too late. And sadly, every few weeks yet more people become sick with AIDS, many of whom have young children who also need care.

If you would like to support our work financially, every little helps, so please give whatever you can afford so we can save more lives and help those in need.

Yours sincerely

Dr Patrick Dixon
Founder, ACET

* You can donate on - for example it costs less than £2 a month to pay for the school fees of an AIDS orphan in Zimabwe.


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